It was lovely speaking with you today on the phone. As we discussed over the phone, I am the owner of a business called myHelix Suite, which is a start-up genetics company that offers Tele-medicine, Health Evaluation, and Genetics testing all under one roof for the United Kingdom, and the United States. We are a start-up company, and looking to partner with a packaging manufacturer long term.
We already have a logo. And the website is created but it is just not currently up yet because we are still a start-up. We have not launched our product yet, and wanted to wait until I got all my boxes checked off so-to-speak. I hold a genetics patent that allows me to be the only person internationally that can send genetics testing kits and material direct to the consumer.
The idea that I had in mind was an iPhone-style paper box both in size, and rigidity. That is made out of eco-friendly materials, and able to be recycled again for further use. The rigid paper box also complies with the FDA and HMRC guidelines. We will include a small cup called a sputum cup. The patient/client can spit it into and send back to the laboratory with all the instructions inside for how to follow up, about the test, what to expect, and the next steps.
I already have a logo as I stated above, and would like the whole outside of the box to continue with the same green color, and the inside be gold to give a very polished look.
Thanks for your time, and I look forward to finding out more if you can assist our company, pricing, and how much it costs if we buy in bulk, etc.
For the iphone style paper box, first we need know if you need an insert to fix the different parts of your product in place inside the rigid paper box. If the insert is necessary, a layout is preferred.
Also, we need know the inner size of the product in the order of Length x Width x Depth.
Thank you for your kind words! Yes, my plan is to make it look like a pill capsule. My only concern is we need the printed paper box to be airtight and waterproof so that the contents are not compromised in the shipping. The inside of the box on the top needs to be padded/cushioned to protect the sputum cup. And a little indentation area where the cup can fit perfectly into with a little divot where someone can put their finger into the area to get the cup in and out, but it not move otherwise.
Let’s see what you can figure out. It doesn’t have to be COMPLETELY airtight. We just need that it doesn’t wiggle around a lot. It works like an iPhone box, and takes some effort to come apart. It is my goal. I’ve given you my main idea, but I welcome the opportunity if you want to do a prototype and get a little creative, just let me know. I would love to form an exclusive partnership with you, thank you!