E Flute Mailer Box Printed on Both Sides With Insert

The E flute corrugated box is usually litho printed to use as the retail box and mailer box because of the good combination of beauty and strength. Many clients like these boxes, but some are still not satisfied. They usually have a very high requirement for the box beauty and strength. This is where the double sided printed E flute box comes.

The corrugated printed box we will talk in this post is a corrugated packaging box for mens grooming products.

corrugated mailer box printed inside and outside
Outside printing of the corrugate mailer box

The double sided printed E flute box has all the good points of the ordinary box. At the same time, the inside of the box is CMYK full color litho printed to make the box more pretty. Also, the box becomes thicker and stronger because one more layer of CCNB paperboard is laminated inside the box.  However, the box becomes a little more expensive because of the premium quality.

In this article, we will talk about a E flute mailer box printed on both sides with a cardboard insert inside.

corrugated mailer box printed on both sides
Matte black paper box printed on both sides.

The corrugated mailer box features a creative E flute insert inside to hold the different items of our client. This corrugated insert is very effective to hold the different parts safe there inside the mailer box. The insert has the CMYK litho printing too and it is semi gloss varnished.

The main problem for such a box is the cracking problems on the folds because the extra thickness caused by the one extra laminated CCNB paperboard. With our years’ experience in the packaging industry, our engineers finally solve this problem successfully. And our clients like our product a lot.

The mailer box has the matte laminating outside and semi glossy varnishing inside, which gives the box a very pretty look inside and outside.

As A Good China paper box manufacturer and supplier, China BBP Co., Ltd is a professional E flute corrugated printed box supplier and manufacturer. If you have such a custom paper box to do, please do not hesitate to give us an email.

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