Like a match box, the slide paper box, also referred to as slide open box has nearly the same box structure, which consists of a paper sleeve outside and a tray or drawer inside. In this article, we will talk about a custom paper box which is specially designed for the pasta. It works as a gift paper box, which has a slend body.
The pasta paper box consists of 3 separate parts, a cardboard insert, a tray and a sleeve. The insert works as a manual or handbook while hiding the white parts inside the tray. The tray can easily slide into the sleeve at the bottom. The tray is a folding paper box which has a creative box structure, then the box can be assembled without any glue or tape applied.
The custom paper box is a custom paper box made of the SBS C1S paperboard. The paperboard has the great quality for creasing, folding and die cuting.
One of the great benefits of such a fold paper box is its premium look, but the price is quite cheaper than a rigid gift paper box. In one word, the box is quite cost effective. The color theme for the custom paper box is a pantone red, which has the very good consistence and accuracy.