A Matt Black Foldable Rigid Paper Box

Recently we made a sample box for an American client, which is a matte black color foldable rigid box. It is for the packaging of a very high-tech and innovative electronical product. The client likes this box style a lot because of the foldability of the box. It can be flat shipped to reduce the shipping cost and warehouse need due to the small volume.

foldable collapsible rigid paper box
The foldable rigid box has the matte black color printing and finish inside and out.

In order to increase the durability and strength of the box, usually 2mm greyboard/chipboard is used to create the box rigidity. And the grammage is around 1200-1300gsm. When extra rigidity is needed, the 2.5mm greyboard is used.

On the back of the top panel, the slogan text is PMS color printed. While on the outside the box, it has the very pretty line pattern and in the center is the company logo. On the front of the box is the brand name of the product.

collapsible rigid paper box
Outside printing for the collapsible rigid box.

Actually, the black lines on the top can also be spot UV varnished to create a striking visual effect. Some of our clients would like us to put the stickers on the 4 corners of the box, then the box can be well set up. While some would like their customers to reuse the box without the stickers.

A lots of our client like this box because of its unique design. It is foldable to be flat shipped and stored and it makes the product looks high-end. However, the bad points of the collapsible rigid box is that a lot of hand work is involved during the box making procedures. This increases the final cost of the box, which makes the foldable rigid box much more expensive than the other common style rigid boxes.

Also there are size requirement for the box. The length of the box is supposed to be at least 2 times of the box height. If you would like us to make such a custom rigid box for you, you must pay attention to the size.