Hi there, my name is *** and I am in the process of starting a teeth whitening company. We aim to sell and distribute the highest quality of teeth whitening gels. The plan is to become a distributor of whitening gels in the UK.
My designers have worked up the rigid paper box rough cutters and visuals for you to look at. They’ve also looked at the rough sizing so it will fit the items in it. The visuals show the outer box (in 2 pieces) and the inner box that will slide out with the products inside.
We need your help to manufacture the rigid boxes and we need it to look really nice and luxurious.
Quantity about 1000 boxes initially moving onto several thousand shortly after. I will be honest I want to keep my costs low and as a startup i am hoping you will give me your best price .
If this is something you are interested in helping me with then please get back to me with a rough idea of costs, possible start date and information regarding the actual process.
Let me know this all makes sense -feel free to email me or call me on *** if you want to run through it.
Packaging Solution to be continued.